BYOD Device and Technology
Used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses our classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices. This does not mean that it is the only tool that our students utilise. We believe strongly in the fundamental skills of literacy and numeracy, of using pen and paper, and being able to learn how to use digital technologies responsibly in this ever changing world.
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is a key facet of learning at Scots. It addresses the appropriate use of technology and the impacts of its use. A digital citizen is a person who obeys the legal rules about using digital technologies, and acts with respect and care for themselves, others and property. And in return, they expect the same respect to be shown to them. A good understanding and application of digital citizenship principles is critical in any environment where a student brings their own device (BYOD). All students sign a Digital Citizenship and Acceptable Usage Agreement as found below. We want all students to be constantly mindful of how the world will see them through their digital footprint and actions.
Junior School
iPads are supplied to all students from Kinder to Year 4. In Years 5 and 6, we ask that students transition to a laptop as this better fits the demands of the curriculum.
Senior School
As students progress through the Senior School, a laptop device is the most appropriate device for their work and learning needs. It is required that Senior School students have access to a laptop computer to support their learning at school. Students may use more than one device to support their learning. Compliance with the minimum requirements ensures that the device you select can connect through the school’s wireless network and that the device is suitable for researching and accessing information, collaborating and communicating with others and creating a wide range of products that demonstrate student learning.
Should you have any questions about purchasing a device for your child please feel free to contact IT via