Junior School
Welcome to the Junior School - an inspiring and engaging learning environment where we know and understand every student. Our small campus allows us to develop strong relationships with students and parents that gives each child a sense of connection and belonging. We want our students to be eager to come to school each morning, to be engaged and challenged throughout each day, and to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities on offer. Our Junior School is a place where our students develop a love of learning and make lifelong memories.
In 2024 we will break ground on the construction of a new Junior School, which will provide world-class facilities for our littlest learners.
Safe and caring environment
Our Junior School is a safe, caring and supportive community. We are a small school with class sizes that allow for individual support and a personalised approach to learning. Our school is a place where your child will be known.
World-class, international education
Our Junior School is an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). The PYP is a contemporary approach to education that is delivered in schools around Australia and the world. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and as caring and informed global citizen. This programme ensures that our students are receiving an education that prepares them for success in a rapidly changing global environment.
Engaged and independent learners
Dedicated teachers create opportunities for students to wonder, to question and to make connections. Further, they provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to investigate their own wonderings, to find out, to analyse, to synthesise and to take meaningful action. Our students become independent learners who are engaged in purposeful and meaningful learning by constantly being challenged, extended and enriched to develop their passions.
Outstanding academic results
We achieve exceptional results on national and state benchmark tests such as NAPLAN, reflecting the quality of our programs. We do this by providing an inspiring, dynamic environment in which students are closely supported to achieve their personal best. Our students are reflective, knowledgeable thinkers who develop skills through academically rigorous programs and go on to achieve excellent results at the tertiary level.
Amazing opportunities
Our Junior School provides opportunities for students to engage in a wide range of experiences. These experiences make Scots the special school that it is, and allows our students to find interests and passions that will shape who they are as human beings. Our students have the opportunity to dance, to play music, to express themselves creatively, to learn another language, to grow vegetables and to create culinary masterpieces, to compete athletically and to perform on stage. Our students are taken out of their comfort zones both in the classroom and through outdoor education experiences, and supported with the skills and attitudes to flourish.
Along with all New South Wales schools, The Scots Junior School teaches the NSW curriculum which can be accessed through the NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) website.
The disciplines covered in NSW primary schools are English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Human Society and its Environment (HSIE), Creative Arts, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) and Languages. Specialist subjects taught by specialist teachers further enhance the school program. These subjects include Physical Education, Music, Drama, Art, Dance and French and Japanese. These specialist subjects provide additional rich learning experiences for our students.
Our Units of Inquiry take a transdisciplinary approach – interweaving skills, knowledge and concepts from many disciplines in the one unit of work. This results in a deep understanding of knowledge, greater skill acquisition, and connections being made in a real-world context. In a PYP school, we mimic real life, acknowledging that skills and facts are not learnt in isolation. Research shows us this approach results in greater student engagement, recall of skills and knowledge, and increased ability to transfer classwork to news situations.

Dedicated teachers create opportunities for students to be curious, to question and to make connections. Further, they provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to investigate their own curiosity, to find out, to analyse, to synthesise and to take meaningful action.